Touchchat with wordpower parent handout
Touchchat with wordpower parent handout

touchchat with wordpower parent handout

This design could be called a “hybrid,” because it can be used primarily as a phrase-based system, or as a word-based system.

  • scanning access needs for the iPad or NOVA chat platforms.
  • individuals who want a sophisticated vocabulary on a small platform such as an iPod touch.
  • cognitively and severely language disabled individuals who benefit from phrases to assist with quick language generation.
  • vision impairment that need large cells and print.
  • motor disabilities and access issues that preclude them from accessing vocabulary sets with more keys.
  • I developed this vocabulary with only 20 cells for individuals with: “WordPower20 Simply” incorporates carrier phrases with core words for quick and easy language generation for the iPad, iPad mini, and iPod touch. Core language and category-based words are included in this program. WordPower24 with Phrases is also a word-based vocabulary program, but phrases and sentences starters have been incorporated in order to make language generation easier for those that may have difficulty with a word-based program. It is a generative language system that will be familiar to those using WordPower on other systems, and easy to learn for new users.


    The program has been designed specifically for this portable and readily available platform. WordPower24 is a word-based vocabulary that allows for easy and intuitive communication. This vocabulary is configured to work with a keyguard and with scanning. It is a word-based vocabulary that was designed to be an easy and intuitive generative language system. The extra column includes designated buttons for clear, delete word, smart period, and plural –s. WordPower30 is a modified version of WordPower24, but it includes an extra column on every page. It is designed to make communication fast and easy. This word-based system remains rich in core vocabulary, and it may be appropriate for beginning users or those that need a more basic vocabulary design. WordPower42 Basic is a simplified version of WordPower42.

    touchchat with wordpower parent handout

    WordPower42 is a generative language system that will be familiar to those using WordPower on other systems, and easy to learn for new users. WordPower42 is a word-based vocabulary that allows for easy and intuitive communication. The extra column includes designated buttons for clear, smart period, delete word, and plural –s. WordPower48 is a modified version of WordPower42, but it includes an extra column on every page. With this setup, the user can use core words in the same sentences without moving to a separate page to spell. It also includes the category-based pages contained in all other versions of the vocabulary. WordPower 80 is a vocabulary consisting of high-frequency core words, spelling and word prediction, all on the main page. WordPower vocabularies with 42, 48 and 80-locations were designed for the iPad. WordPower20 Simply, WordPower24, WordPower24 with Phrases, WordPower30, WordPower42, WordPower42 Basic, WordPower48, and WordPower80 are AAC vocabularies designed by Nancy Inman for TouchChat Suite, an app from Silver Kite for iPads, iPod touch and iPhones.

    Touchchat with wordpower parent handout